“90 Years Forest Research Institute – for the Society and Nature” Abstract submissions DEADLINE EXTENDED

Abstract submissions DEADLINE EXTENDED to May 24, 2018.
Dear colleagues and friends,
Thank you for your interest in our anniversary conference “90 Years Forest Research Institute – for the Society and Nature”. We are really excited to share with you that we will have participants coming from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Italy, Republic of Macedonia, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Republic of South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine
The Organizing Committee has decided to EXTEND THE ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE TO MAY 24, 2018. Abstract must submitted online through http://fri.bas.bg Please find the registration guidelines and prepare your abstract submission carefully. After successful registration, you will receive confirmation email from us. Please kindly note that with one registration you can submit up to 2 abstracts and that the registration is valid for one participant. If you have prepared more material for oral/poster contribution, a second registration and payment of registration fee should be made. The registration guarantees the attendance only of the person registered, unless you register an accompanying person.
The registration fee for participants includes:
- Attendance to the Conference
- Conference eISSN proceedings with abstracts and full text papers in scientific journals of the FRI-BAS
- Conference materials
- Badge
- Certificate
- Coffee breaks, lunch and cocktail at the Conference venue
Registration fee for accompanying persons includes:
- Attendance to the Conference
- Tourist brochures and map
- Badge
- Coffee breaks, lunch and cocktail at the Conference venue
Be involved in the conference’s scientific program by sharing your latest research findings with international experts in forest research!
Rositsa Yaneva | Conference Coordinator | fri2018@abv.bg