Laboratory of Forest Soil Science at Forest ecology – FRI-BAS – member of GLOSOLAN

Laboratory of Forest Soil Science at Forest ecology – FRI-BAS – member of GLOSOLAN
On May 29, 2019, during an opening ceremony of a monument of the forestry memory and in relation to the 58th anniversary of the wind-spout in the Western Rhodopes, Dr. Angel Fezerliev (Experimental Base for Coniferous Forests, FRI-BAS, Velingrad) was awarded an Honorary Diploma for contributions and merits to State Enterprise “Selishte”. To support the idea and the cause of the forestry mission, a sapling of Spiraea japonica “Golden princess” was given on behalf of the Forest Research Institute – BAS.
On behalf of the Forest Research Institute – BAS, we thank all our colleagues, partners and guests that joined us to celebrate the Earth Day and together we contributed to the initiative to plant 150 trees! The directors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Miglena Zhiyanski – Forest Research Institute (FRI) and Cor. Member Nikolay Miloshev – National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography (NIGGG), the Deputy Chairman of BAS Cor. Member Kostadin Ganev and Cor. Member Dimitar Ivanov opened the event. Scientists and employees of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, NIGGG and FRI took active participation and initiated the afforestation campaign in the scientific complex of BAS. Special thanks to Rossima Company for supplying FISKARS tools and to Eng. Damyan Damyanov and the colleagues from the South-West State Enterprise for the provided saplings and collaboration in this event.
The Earth Day – on April 22, is celebrated by more than 0.5 billion people worldwide. Each year, the International Earth Day Network coordinates actions of more than 12 000 partners in 174 countries to protect the planet Earth and to preserve life. The network seeks to co-create public support for sustainable and effective environmental policies around the world.
This year, the celebrations of the World Earth Day are related to the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Researchers and employees of the Forest Research Institute and the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography, with the support of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, will plant 150 trees to mark this anniversary.
The event will take place on April 22, 2019 at 13:00h in front of the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography, address: “Acad. G. Bonchev” str., bl. 3, Sofia.