Video – TUNES in URB Project

TUNESinURB aims to create an ecosystem-based information system on urban ecosystems and their ecosystem services through the application of a set of indicators for assessing and mapping with a view to а better understanding and implementation of sectoral policies for planning and development of the territories.

Video – IMpossibleBALANCE

The film attempts to introduce to the general public the results from the project “Improved mountainous forest management for sustainable provisioning of ecosystem services under climate change (MFORES)”. The project was co-financed by the program BG03 “Biodiversity and ecosystem services” of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (2009 – 2014). The project focused on capacity building in the sustainable provisioning of ecosystem services from forests. Its overall objective was to translate the scientific modelling findings and social needs on the provisioning of multiple ecosystem services from mountain forests into decision support for forest practitioners and policy makers. In achieving this objective the project analysed the social needs and policy targets related to forest ecosystem management; assessed forest resilience and quantified ecosystem services dynamics under climate change; and derived recommendations, policy briefs and revised silvicultural approaches for forest practitioners and decision makers.