Training course for the “FOREST” project’s young participants

What characteristics differentiate the most important representatives of conifers and deciduous trees in our country? What are ecosystem services about? Why was NATURA 2000 created? How to understand and put into practice the concepts of “environmental management” and “sustainable management of natural resources”? These are These are just some of the knowledge that the FOREST project’s young participants have gained last weekend (6th-8th of December 2019) on the “International Youth Training Course on Nature Protection and Sustainable Use of Forest Resources” in the city of Etropole.
The event was attended by representatives of the coordination teams of the three partner organizations: “Youth movement for development of the rural areas in Bulgaria” (YMDRAB), NIITSociety Innovation Center and the Forest Research Institute – BAS, Sofia. 25 Bulgarian and 25 Serbian young people made the performance of the activities from both leadership and Serbian side. The guest speakers included three Bulgarian and three Serbian experts in the fields of botany, forestry, ecology and climate, including: Prof. Dr. Miglena Zhiyanski, FRI-BAS, Prof. Dr. Dolya Pavlova, Faculty of Biology, Sofia University; Assoc. Prof. Grud Popov, FRI-BAS, Mr. Danko Jović, Head of Department at the Institute for Nature Conservation in Serbia, Dejan Đorđević and experts in the assessment of the impact and change of forest ecosystems Mr. Dejan Đorđević and Mr Radovan Stojanovic. The youth training was also conducted by Mr. Hristo Georgiev – CEO of “Smart Eks Media”, consultant under contract 1-FOREST / 27.09.2019 regarding the publication of information in the Joint Database and the project website, resulting in lots of photos related to the event uploaded on “FOREST” project’s website ( At the end of the training course, young people’s knowledge was tested through a questionary including theoretical and practical tasks. The young people presented themselves at their best and deservedly received their certificates and awards from the lecturers and project partners.
The project is co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg-IPA Bulgaria-Serbia Cross-border Cooperation Program 2014-2020.
This publication has been produced with the support of the European Union through the Cross-border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA Bulgaria-Serbia 2014-2020, CCI No. 2014TC16I5CB007. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of FRI-BAS and should in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Managing Authority of the Program.